“With hellspawn, size is no measure of their threat. Demons half the size of men can kill with a gesture, while hellish pack animals trample any who stand in their way.”
Hey all! As you may know, we at Ready Check are huge fans of Diablo III. So, it’s with great pleasure that we’ve been asked to help out with the official launch event for the new expansion, Reaper of Souls, on Monday 24th March! Here are the details:

Join members of the Blizzard Europe Community team on Monday, March 24 at Meltdown London for a special live event to celebrate the release of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls!
You’ll be able to participate in some awesome contests for the chance to win Reaper of Souls Collector’s Editions, T-shirts, and other goodies. Coming all the way from California, Diablo III Lead Game Producer Alex Mayberry will be there in person to sign your swag.
We’ll also be broadcasting the Reaper of Souls live streamed event direct from the DreamHack studios in Stockholm, Sweden. The stream will showcase the game’s great new features and include live interviews with members of the Diablo III development team. We’ll hear from some notable members of the community as well.
The fun starts at 21:00 and runs until midnight.
For more information, check out the Facebook event here.
We look forward to seeing you there!
If you came to our BarCraft-on-Thames event, you’ll know that Blizz are VERY generous when it comes to prizes… Even though it’s a school night, we’re certainly looking forward to burning the candle at both ends and we really hope you’ll join us.
Let us know if you’re coming on Twitter or in the comments, and be sure to sign up on Facebook!
Love, hugs, and successful PUGs.
PS. We’ve not forgotten about our previous competition – work has gone mental, but we’ll be back very soon…